BenQ投影機及液晶顯示器在日本分別獲得BCN award的第二、三名,這也是BenQ首度獲得BCN大獎!同時,日本的Apple周邊雜誌MacPeople和Mac Fan針對BenQ GP2進行評測,獲得良好的評價;網友分享的GP2實機使用心得內容生動細膩,也獲得廣大關注。而專業電競顯示器XL2420T則登上Ascii及4Gamer.net,詳盡的解說XL2420T在電競領域的各種優勢。
新型態、新進化、更多元、更豐富的myBenQ express內容,提供全集團內部同仁,BenQ各公司訊息、BenQ產品行銷活動、全球營銷據點新聞及各項BenQ產品的完整資訊。
A new format with new advances—richer, more varied content. That’s myBenQ express, made for all of us in the BenQ Group. In myBenQ express, you’ll find information about BenQ companies, BenQ product marketing events, news from BenQ business operations around the world, and comprehensive introductions of all of BenQ’s products.
我們蒐整包括BenQ品牌各個公司(包括明基三豐BenQ Medical、明基逐鹿BenQ Guru、明基材料BenQ Materials與BenQ Solar )的新產品、公司內外部活動、BenQ品牌全球業務區的大大小小各種消息,給集團內部同仁。myBenQ express藉由收集這些來自海外以及各公司的訊息,讓我們更快速、更廣泛的得知BenQ品牌的全部新聞。
We have compiled news, major and minor, about new products and internal events at BenQ brand companies (including BenQ Medical, BenQ Guru, BenQ Materials, and BenQ Solar), and from BenQ brand sales regions globally. myBenQ express enables us to more quickly gain a more thorough understanding of the news about the BenQ brand by collecting this information from around the world and all the companies in the BenQ family.
myBenQ express結合部落格的形式,以更適合資訊整合的版面設計快速總覽所有新聞。並且活用擴充性、加強新聞與社群的連結、更導入詳盡的分類標籤,用以提升資料查詢及閱讀的便利性。 未來,我們即將活用myBenQ express,提供大家更易讀、更直覺、更便於分享的新聞管道!
myBenQ express adopts the blog format, which provides a layout that is better suited to presenting varied information, for faster browsing of the news. In addition, we are extending the reach of individual news items, adding links to other items and to the community, as well as introducing tags to categorize content. All these things enhance the ease with which you can find and view the information you seek. In the future, we can take advantage of myBenQ express to provide everyone with an easier to read, more intuitive, and more conveniently shared news resource.