今年2013年,3R 節能減廢競賽Ⅱ再次舉辦,鼓勵同仁們能共同積極參與節約能源、減少廢棄物行動,使BenQ成為真正愛地球的綠色品牌。為期兩個月的3R節能減廢競賽於近日結束,總成績由13F,總積分182分奪得冠軍!
For a company to fulfill its social responsibilities, it must rely on its people’s support of its efforts in this area. To fully inculcate energy conservation and waste reduction practices in BenQ’s corporate culture, we organized a special “3R” (for “reduce, reuse, recycle”) contest.
This year marked the second time the 3R contest has been held. We encouraged all BenQers to join together and participate in the effort to save energy and reduce waste—and help make BenQ a green brand that shows love for the planet we live on. The 3R contest ran for two months, and recently ended with the 13th floor taking the championship with 182 total points.