BenQ 的大大小小經過約40分鐘的車程來到鼻頭漁港,很神奇的海邊居然只有微微的奈米細雨,漫步在鼻頭步道很涼爽也不會被淋濕,越往山上走天氣越見放晴,當大家抵達山頂吹著海風遠望著碧海,雨也跟著停歇了!
大家往海岸邊移動沿著 海蝕平台欣賞著大自然鬼斧神工的傑作,跟海岸豐富的生態,一步一步的往龍洞灣前進,抵達龍洞灣後品嚐了當地的特產石花凍,再奉上主辦單位貼心準備的福隆便當,大家席地而坐吹著風曬著暖暖的太陽享用美味的便當
真是 一大享受 ,午後太陽越來越大,大家紛紛移動到海邊玩水,小朋友玩的不亦樂乎,大朋友也享受了這幸運的好天氣,就在歡樂的笑聲中結束了這美好的一天 !
A group of BenQers and their families recently traveled to the Bitou fishing harbor about 40 minutes from Taipei. Surprisingly, there was only a very light drizzle at the seashore, and we were able to stroll along the hiking paths feeling refreshed but without getting soaked. The higher up we went the clearer the skies, and when everyone reached the peak and looked out at the blue sea, the rain stopped as if to acknowledge our arrival.
After descending again, everyone ventured out toward the surf, moving along the natural promenade etched out by waves from the seashore rock, enjoying nature’s beautiful handiwork. We marveled at the varied ecology of the seashore as we headed toward Longdong Bay. After arriving there, we tried a local sweet made from agar, and then enjoyed the famed Fulung boxed lunches as we sat in the warm sunshine and mild sea breezes.
It was certainly a delight, and as the sun grew stronger in the afternoon, everyone went to the seaside to frolic in the water. Children had fun playing, while adults also enjoyed the gorgeous weather and scenery on this wonderful day.