BenQ贊助Virtus.pro十一月活動報告 (Virtus.pro gaming team performance of November)
Virtuspro.org Monthly Statistics:
Number of views: 2 038 722
Number of unique users: 169 056
In November we had nearly 65 000 views and 12 000 unique users daily.
Virtuspro.TV Monthly Statistics (Own3d Service):
Number of views: 329 609
Number of unique users: 129 756
During the month our channel (live streams and VODs) had nearly 4 400 000
minutes of view totally.
Virtus.pro YouTube Monthly Statistics:
Number of views: 317 036
By now our channel have nearly 8 990 000 views and 21 100 subscribers.
Virtus.pro*Vspishka YouTube Monthly Statistics:
Number of views: 921 403
By now our channel have nearly 12 891 168 views and 73 425 subscribers.
Vkontakte.ru (vk.com) Virtus.pro Group Monthly Statistics:
Number of unique users: 21 575
By now our official group have 70 593 subscribers who get our news and take a
part in community’s activities.