ARAB HEALTH醫療展於2013年1月28-31盛大展開,此次展會聚集全球數萬名參觀人次,與各國頂尖醫療儀器廠參與,在中東與阿拉伯地區有極大的號召力,是指標性的大型醫療保健展。明基三豐在現場展出最新型高演色性LED手術燈以及具低檯面高度與平移功能的微創手術台,展現出公司擁有的高端技術能力與各項貼心設計,吸引各國代理商至攤位參觀,達到往年兩倍人數,並給予產品高度評價。
ARAB HEALTH was hold from 2013 January 28 to 31, this exhibition gathered over ten thousand attendance, and international medical companies. And it is also the most important exhibition to get into Middle East and ARAB market. BenQ Medical Technology exhibited our latest LED surgical light and the MIS surgical table, completely showed the highly technology and friendly design of our products. In the exhibition period, our products appealed dealers over the world and the attendance number is twice of the past, and visitors gave our products lots of positive commend.