BenQ 312 植樹節系列活動報導(Report on BenQ’s Arbor Day events)
On Arbor Day, which is observed on 12 March in Taiwan, BenQ organized a series of events for the occasion, including a sale on potted plants, moss ball workshop, and treasure hunt that encouraged colleagues to be attentive to CSR. As the owner of a brand that places great importance on environmental concerns, BenQ also urged colleagues to take action in their daily lives by participating in events that help the environment.
BenQ台大校園徵才實況報導 以品牌優勢運籌帷幄、決戰千里(BenQ recruitment efforts at National Taiwan University a rousing success, as brand power attracts strong interest from graduating seniors)
3/11 ,是 BenQ 參加台大校園徵才的日子。這一天在台大的椰林大道上,知名企業齊集,BenQ 當然也不能錯過這次盛會,帶著我們的品牌意識與企業文化,用熱情來解答有志於加入品牌行列學子的疑惑!BenQ 「運籌帷幄、決戰千里,一諾千金送好禮」的活動吸引不少同學前來 BenQ 攤位,寫下自己的職涯願望。有的人想要成為品牌行銷人才、有的人想要成為專業的軟體工程師、也有的人想要成為全球業務高手。
當天的活動不僅驗證了 BenQ 身為全球品牌的魅力,也再度讓我們確定,BenQ 身為一個真實、親善、美麗的品牌,能夠以理性的科技專業和感性的人文素養帶給大家更大的夢想和目標!
On March 11, BenQ participated in the annual job fair that takes place on the campus of National Taiwan University. On that day, renowned companies converge on Taiwan’s foremost university, and BenQ of course could not miss this event. Armed with our brand consciousness and corporate culture, we drew on our passion in answering the questions posed by students eager to work at building a brand. BenQ’s booth attracted a number of students with a themed giveaway. There, the students filled out a questionnaire about their career interests. Some expressed a desire to become brand marketers, while others said they wanted to be software engineers. Still others said they hoped to make a name for themselves in global sales.
The day’s events not only attested to the appeal of BenQ as a global brand, but once again enabled us to confirm that as a brand representing truth, goodness, and beauty, BenQ can draw on both rational technological expertise and passionate cultural sensibilities to inspire people to have grander dreams and goals.
BenQ電競螢幕佔領搜尋引擎與各大雜誌(BenQ gaming monitors occupy prominent position in search engine results and major magazines)
BenQ台灣區從2011初起藉由推出市場第一台電競螢幕XL2410T,延續至今年初XL2420T 與 RL系列的上市推廣,持續以「專業電競螢幕」的定位對市場溝通,目前在入口網站Google & Yahoo自然搜尋排行榜中佔據榜首和前10大排名(關鍵搜尋電競顯示器或電競螢幕),除表示產品力深受電競玩家肯定之外,也證明行銷交出漂亮成績單,成功打造BenQ在市場上「專業電競螢幕」的形象。
此外,BenQ台灣區不斷積極爭取各種媒體體驗與產品測試報導的機會,媒體於實際體驗產品性能之後,亦對XL & RL出色表現驚艷不已,接二連三給予正面報導與推薦,成功的延續了BenQ 電競螢幕在媒體露出的聲量與能見度。2012年2月份即有多家媒體給予肯定, 3月份接連著《PC Home》、《PC ADV 電腦王》遊戲相關網站《XBOX Life》編輯與部落客等予以深度產品報導,在在肯定BenQ電競螢幕XL & RL 的與眾不同。
此外,BenQ台灣區不斷積極爭取各種媒體體驗與產品測試報導的機會,媒體於實際體驗產品性能之後,亦對XL & RL出色表現驚艷不已,接二連三給予正面報導與推薦,成功的延續了BenQ 電競螢幕在媒體露出的聲量與能見度。2012年2月份即有多家媒體給予肯定, 3月份接連著《PC Home》、《PC ADV 電腦王》遊戲相關網站《XBOX Life》編輯與部落客等予以深度產品報導,在在肯定BenQ電競螢幕XL & RL 的與眾不同。
Since early 2011, when BenQ Taiwan launched the market’s first gaming monitor, the XL2410T, then the XL2420T that debuted at the beginning of this year and the RL series to continue the push, BenQ has positioned itself as the “professional gaming monitor” brand in communicating with consumers. Currently, on Google and Yahoo’s Chinese-language search queries, BenQ occupies the most popular and top ten ranking (when the keyword search term is “gaming monitor” or “gaming display” in Chinese). Besides indicating that BenQ’s monitors have won deep affirmation from gamers, these results also prove that BenQ’s marketing efforts have paid off handsomely, successfully creating an image of BenQ as the market’s “professional gaming monitor” brand.
In addition, BenQ Taiwan is continually seeking out opportunities to gain media exposure for its monitors through hands-on reports and product tests. After experiencing BenQ monitors’ capabilities first-hand, the media has been extremely impressed by the XL and RL series’ outstanding performance, resulting in a stream of positive reviews and recommendations—and successfully sustaining the media impact and visibility of BenQ’s gaming monitors. In February, numerous media outlets provided positive coverage, and in March, the editors of PC Home, PC ADV, and gaming-themed website XBox Life, as well as bloggers, offered in-depth reports on BenQ monitors, all affirming that BenQ’s XL and RL gaming monitors stand out from the crowd.
明基三豐醫療器材將參加春季中國國際醫療器械博覽會(BenQ Medical Technology Corporation will attend China International Medicinal Equipment Fair)
明基三豐醫療器材將於2012年4月17至4月20日參加春季中國國際醫療器械博覽會(CMEF), 該展會始創於1979年,每年春秋兩屆,在經歷了30年的不斷創新、自我完善,已成為亞太地區最大的醫療器械及相關產品、服務展覽會。展出內容全面涵蓋了包括醫用影像、體外診斷、電子、光學、急救、康復護理以及醫療資訊技術、外包服務等上萬種產品,直接並全面服務於醫療器械行業從源頭到終端整條醫療產業鏈。
每一屆來自20多個國家的2400餘家醫療器械生產企業和超過全球100多個國家和地區的120000人次的政府機構採購、醫院買家和經銷商彙聚CMEF交易、交流;隨著展覽會更加專業化的縱深發展,先後創立了會議論壇、CMEF Imaging、CMEF IVD、CMEF IT以及ICMD一系列的醫療領域子品牌,CMEF已成為醫療行業內最大的專業醫療採購貿易平臺、技術交流平臺。明基三豐歷年來多次參展的盛況經驗中,期待透過今年春季展的過程,能拓展業務資訊及品牌宣導的成功佳績。
BenQ Medical Technology Corporation will attend China International Medicinal Equipment Fair (CMEF) from April 17, 2012 to April 20 in Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Centre. CMEF was founded in 1979, this exhibition is held twice a year - spring and autumn. After 30 years of continuous innovation and self-improvement, CMEF has become the largest exhibition of medical equipment, related products and services in the Asia-Pacific region. The exhibition widely covers ten thousands of products such as medical imaging, in vitro diagnosis, electronics, optics, first aid, rehabilitation nursing, medical information technology and outsourcing services, and it provides services to the entire medical industry chain from the source to the end of the medical equipment industry in a direct and all-round way.
BenQ Solar參加2012日本國際太陽光電展(BenQ Solar’s Total Solutions On Display at PV Expo 2012)
友達旗下的太陽能品牌 - BenQ Solar,於2月29日起至3月2日於日本東京有明國際展覽中心(Tokyo Big Sight)參與2012日本國際太陽光電展(PV EXPO 2012),展出包括高效率太陽能模組、電子監測系統,及安全的高品質太陽能解決方案。
在此日本最大及全球極具代表性的太陽能專業展覽會上,BenQ Solar展示專為日本住宅市場設計的GreenTriplex PM200M00太陽能模組,大小僅1318 x 983 x 40mm,極易搬運、安裝。此外,重量僅14公斤的超輕量GreenTriplex PM250M00太陽能模組不僅便於搬運,亦節省可觀的人力與安裝時間。
BenQ Solar亦展示全球最先推出的AC UnisonTM太陽能解決方案,內含備受好評的AC Unison太陽能模組,內建微型逆變器,並整合電子監測系統。
BenQ Solar, AUO’s solar division, is participating in PV EXPO 2012 from February 29 to March 2 in Tokyo, Japan to exhibit high-efficiency PV modules, monitoring system, and safety and quality of its PV solutions.
In this Japan’s largest and one of the world’s leading PV trade shows, BenQ Solar showcases GreenTriplex PM200M00, whose small size (at only 1318 x 983 x 40mm) makes it easy to carry and install, specially designed for the Japanese residential market. Also, the ultra-light derivative of GreenTriplex PM250M00, weighing only 14kg, is easy to carry and saves considerable labor and installation time. The world’s first AC UnisonTM solar solution featuring the widely acclaimed AC Unison module with an integrated micro-inverter and monitoring system is also demonstrated.
印尼電競顯示器上市活動(Gaming monitor launch event in Indonesia )
BenQ的新型電競顯示器XL/RL系列於2/23在印尼上市,發表會以電玩角色扮演的形式開場,並且向經銷商與媒體介紹BenQ電競顯示器的功能,所有媒體都被主題模式設定、個人化智慧顯示模式、黑平衡處理、智慧快捷鍵等專業玩家及功能所驚豔!超過50家媒體與100位經銷商來到現場,在TPC PM的解說之下,所有人都讚嘆於XL2420T的精準設定。此外,我們也贊助印尼CS領域第一名的XCN team,並請他們進行評測,所有人一致同意這是他們用過最好的電競顯示器。
The new XL/RL gaming monitors were launched in Indonesia on Feb. 23. BenQ Singapore arranged press conference with product demo by Cosplay (Costume Play) in the morning, tournament in the afternoon and dealer gathering in the evening. After press conference, TPC PM Chris had separated meeting with all media and further communicated design concept of BenQ gaming monitor to them. All media were impressed by Display Mode/Smart Scaling/Black eQualizer/S. Switch/Game model loader and understood the benefits which can bring to gamers.
There are over 50 media and 100+ dealers were invited to join this launch event. With TPC PM’s product introduction, all participants were impressed the key features of XL2420T and understood the benefits which can bring to gamers. In addition, we also sponsored XCN team, No. 1 CS team in Indonesia, and had their assistance to do the product review for XL2420T. All team members of XCN agreed XL2420T is the best gaming monitor they have used.
BenQ XL2420T受韓國FPS專業玩家肯定(XL2420T is recommended by FPS pro-gamers in Korea)
BenQ XL2420T電競顯示器接受FPS Korea (http://www.fpskorea.com/)評測,邀集多位專業玩家針對XL2420T做評測,不管是黑平衡(Black eQualizer)技術或是各種針對玩家的設計,都對電競比賽有很大的助益。此外,XL2420T也在Nvidia與其他六家顯示卡廠商共同舉辦的BattleField比賽中獲選使用。
觀看Mr. Pyun評測心得/觀看Mr. Yang評測心得/觀看Mr. On評測心得
Let’s see 1st review by Mr. Pyun who is WCG 2008 final winner and CS 2009 league final winner. He mentioned that 120Hz is a critical specification for gamers’ to win the competition. Besides, he is really impressed by “Black eQualizer”, which really can help gamers to see more details and move faster than enemies.
2nd review by Mr. Yang who is former pro-gamer and now is e-stars (game league) manager. He is impressed by S Switch design and Black eQualizer function.
3rd review by Mr. On who is former pro-gamer and now is ongame.net FPS game league commentator. He is also impressed by Black eQualizer and strongly recommends XL2420T to pro-gamers.
BQkr leased XL2420T for BattleField tournament conducted on Feb. 5th. The event was organized by Nvidia and 6 graphic card teams were invited to compete with each other. BenQ Korea seek for more opportunities through different kinds of joint promotion programs to enhance XL2420T awareness to FPS gamers.
GP2與W系列投影機在日本與澳洲熱鬧上市(GP2 and W-series video projector great exposure in Japan and Australia)
In Feb., BenQ Japan continued to enhance awareness of GP2 mini projector by having product reviewed in various media, including Apple related media, IT/Leisure magazines, newspapers, online price-searching site and blogs. These efforts made GP2 come to the Top 2 searching product in Kakaku.com, the biggest IT product and price searching site.
On the other hand, BenQ Australia kept cultivating BenQ’s brand exposure not only in personal AV companion but also in home entertainment segments by having GP2 and W-series projectors revised in various online and printed media. Besides, working with national retailers for sales promotion, a 15-second TV commercial was also presented in one main channel, GO! TV.
In Feb., BenQ Japan continued to enhance awareness of GP2 mini projector by having product reviewed in various media, including Apple related media, IT/Leisure magazines, newspapers, online price-searching site and blogs. These efforts made GP2 come to the Top 2 searching product in Kakaku.com, the biggest IT product and price searching site.
On the other hand, BenQ Australia kept cultivating BenQ’s brand exposure not only in personal AV companion but also in home entertainment segments by having GP2 and W-series projectors revised in various online and printed media. Besides, working with national retailers for sales promotion, a 15-second TV commercial was also presented in one main channel, GO! TV.
SmartEco席捲全亞太(60 SmartEco demonstration in BQP region, including nation-wide SmartEco roadshow in Turkey)
In Feb., BenQ Japan continued to enhance awareness of GP2 mini projector by having product reviewed in various media, including Apple related media, IT/Leisure magazines, newspapers, online price-searching site and blogs. These efforts made GP2 come to the Top 2 searching product in Kakaku.com, the biggest IT product and price searching site.
On the other hand, BenQ Australia kept cultivating BenQ’s brand exposure not only in personal AV companion but also in home entertainment segments by having GP2 and W-series projectors revised in various online and printed media. Besides, working with national retailers for sales promotion, a 15-second TV commercial was also presented in one main channel, GO! TV.
BenQ SmartEco技術現身韓國節能展(SmartEco technology showcased in Energy Saving EXPO of Korea)
2/15-17,BenQ帶著SmartEco技術來到韓國「Energy Saving EXPO」!BenQ使用MS513來展示獨特的SmartEco技術,包含政府部門及經銷商在內的23500位參觀者都見證其中。所有人無不因為它優異的畫質表現和節能功率耳目一新!
Fitting with the exhibition theme, BenQ Korea presented our SmartEco technology in Energy Saving EXPO of Korea on 15th ~17th Feb. MS513 was used to demonstrate lively BenQ’s unique SmartEco technology to about 23,500 visitors, including government sellers and buyers, dealers, SI/VAR and general public. Even the visitors are from different sectors, they were all impressed very much by the good picture quality and power saving function that BenQ projectors can deliver.
BenQ 參加曼谷AV Hi-End Show(BenQ Thailand attended Bangkok AV Hi-End Show)
而Pattakorn P也接受Audiophile/Videophile雜誌專訪,宣傳BenQ品牌與產品。 BenQ GP2和W7000的3D現場展示吸引超過7500人前來觀看,大家都驚訝於BenQ投影機鮮艷多彩的畫面表現,有些前來參觀的消費者甚至當場買下BenQ投影機!
Since the first participation in Audio/Video show last December, BenQ Thailand showed up in another AV event, Bangkok AV Hi-End Show, on Feb. 2nd -5th to continue accumulating BenQ’s reputation in video projector sector. The completed series of BenQ video projectors, W700, W710ST, W7000 and W1100/1200, and GP2 mini projector were showcased live in four separated rooms. With this chance, Mr. Pattakorn P, was interviewed by Audiophile/Videophile magazine to promote BenQ and products.
BenQ booth gained a lot of attentions from over 7,500 visitors because of GP2 demonstration and W7000 3D demo room. Most visitors are impressed in color of picture projected by BenQ projectors. Some end users even decided to buy BenQ video projectors on site.
而Pattakorn P也接受Audiophile/Videophile雜誌專訪,宣傳BenQ品牌與產品。 BenQ GP2和W7000的3D現場展示吸引超過7500人前來觀看,大家都驚訝於BenQ投影機鮮艷多彩的畫面表現,有些前來參觀的消費者甚至當場買下BenQ投影機!
Since the first participation in Audio/Video show last December, BenQ Thailand showed up in another AV event, Bangkok AV Hi-End Show, on Feb. 2nd -5th to continue accumulating BenQ’s reputation in video projector sector. The completed series of BenQ video projectors, W700, W710ST, W7000 and W1100/1200, and GP2 mini projector were showcased live in four separated rooms. With this chance, Mr. Pattakorn P, was interviewed by Audiophile/Videophile magazine to promote BenQ and products.
BenQ booth gained a lot of attentions from over 7,500 visitors because of GP2 demonstration and W7000 3D demo room. Most visitors are impressed in color of picture projected by BenQ projectors. Some end users even decided to buy BenQ video projectors on site.
BenQ GH700獲印尼Travel Fotografi雜誌好評(GH700 great review from Travel Fotografi Magazine in Indonesia)

在二月份印尼Travel Fotografi雜誌評測中,GH700以大篇幅的報導獲得了完整的評比;雜誌中除了評測及基本操作介紹外,還教導消費者如何用GH700拍出美麗的夜景照片!
We had a very good review on GH700 in Travel Photografi magazine Feb. issue. Together with a sightseeing introduction on Marina Bay of Singapore, a 12-page product review was on to tell readers how to use GH700 to capture the beautiful of night. See below images for lots of landscape photos and GH700 photography tips.
BenQ參加印尼FOCUS展(BenQ joined FOCUS Exhibition on Feb.29 – Mar.4 in Jakarta Consumers experience high zoom fun at hands-on events)
在2/29-3/4時,BenQ參加於Jakarta舉行的印尼第一的影像相關展覽的「FOCUS Exhibition」。BenQ展出全線相機產品並準備了線上畫廊,讓所有來訪的參觀者親睹BenQ相機的表現!
BenQ gave consumers around Indonesia a chance to see just how much fun its high zoom bridge-type cameras can be—by trying one out for themselves.
On Feb. 29 ~ Mar. 4, BenQ joined FOCUS Exhibition in Jakarta, which is Indonesia’s No. 1 Photography Exhibition. BenQ displayed full lineup camera nicely, and prepared a photo gallery to well perform beautiful photos from GH star event. The popular event also arranged a photo contest in the booth corner – to decorate a summer scenario and beautiful models as subject, to encourage visitor to experience GH700 and upload their photos to Facebook onsite, to be BenQ ID fans immediately!
BenQ gave consumers around Indonesia a chance to see just how much fun its high zoom bridge-type cameras can be—by trying one out for themselves.
On Feb. 29 ~ Mar. 4, BenQ joined FOCUS Exhibition in Jakarta, which is Indonesia’s No. 1 Photography Exhibition. BenQ displayed full lineup camera nicely, and prepared a photo gallery to well perform beautiful photos from GH star event. The popular event also arranged a photo contest in the booth corner – to decorate a summer scenario and beautiful models as subject, to encourage visitor to experience GH700 and upload their photos to Facebook onsite, to be BenQ ID fans immediately!
BenQ邀請網友參加印尼「GH star」攝影活動 建立口碑行銷(130+ DSC opinion leaders were invited to try out GH700)
為了加強BenQ產品的口碑行銷影響力,BenQ在印尼舉辦了「GH star」攝影活動。邀請131位Jakarta Photo Club(JPC)參加一日體驗GH700的活動。我們對GH700做了詳盡的解說,從JPC和其他經銷商的身上得到許多正面回饋。
To enhance word-of-mouth effectiveness, BQsg hosted a “GH star” shooting event in Ancol, Jakarta on Feb. 25th. 131 selected members from Jakarta Photo Club (JPC), the most popular online photo club in Indonesia, were invited to an one-day tour to experience GH700.
A detailed GH700 introduction and users’ sharing were given before the shooting, 6 models were also arranged to let participants take portraits. With JPC, HWM(local No. 1 hardware magazine) and our distributors’ assistance, we got positive feedbacks from those opinions. Some of the participants also shared their experience on JPC Forum.
2012 BenQ亞太區 Marcom Workshop (2012 BQP Marcom Workshop)
為了建構新一年各地區marcom共同的市場行銷目標,在3月8-9時舉辦了marcom workshop,來自澳洲、日本、韓國、新加坡、泰國、越南、印度和中東的伙伴都聚在台北討論未來的行銷策略方向,並致力於打開BenQ品牌的知名度。不僅如此,我們還邀請到ZOWIE、Saatchi&Saatchi、cacaFLY來分享明年對電競市場趨勢的觀點。還邀請專業攝影師一同參與北投戶外活動的行程,讓大家一同體驗GH700的實拍魅力。
To build up the consensus of marketing focus for the following year and enhance the collaboration among BQP countries, BQP held a regional Marcom Workshop on Mar.8th-9th . Team members from Australia, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, India, the Middle East and Turkey gathered in Taipei to have discussions on future Marcom directions, various marketing strategies and tactics for further expanding BenQ brand and product awareness and local operation sharing.
Not only having internal discussion of business and marketing plans, we also invited outside partners including ZOWIE, Saatchi&Saatchi and cacaFLY to share their viewpoints of Gaming Martket, 2012 Global Trends and Facebook Trends. Besides, we had a professional photographer, Mr. Justin Wang, joined us in the outing section on the second day. He taught each Marcom person to use BenQ digital camera, GH700, for taking good photos of the beautiful scenery of Peitou hot spring area.

To build up the consensus of marketing focus for the following year and enhance the collaboration among BQP countries, BQP held a regional Marcom Workshop on Mar.8th-9th . Team members from Australia, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, India, the Middle East and Turkey gathered in Taipei to have discussions on future Marcom directions, various marketing strategies and tactics for further expanding BenQ brand and product awareness and local operation sharing.
Not only having internal discussion of business and marketing plans, we also invited outside partners including ZOWIE, Saatchi&Saatchi and cacaFLY to share their viewpoints of Gaming Martket, 2012 Global Trends and Facebook Trends. Besides, we had a professional photographer, Mr. Justin Wang, joined us in the outing section on the second day. He taught each Marcom person to use BenQ digital camera, GH700, for taking good photos of the beautiful scenery of Peitou hot spring area.
BenQ職業電競隊TFE正式於中國成軍 BenQ Gaming全球版圖拼成(BenQ’s professional gaming team TFE officially forms in China, as BenQ Gaming’s global plans come together)
TFE戰隊由BenQ出資打造,延攬中國CS第一人——前世界冠軍卞正偉Alex Bian為總教練,歷經2011年下半年全國海選和蘇州總決選,力圖甄選潛力新秀,透過專業、高效、全面的職業化培養,打造CS明日之星隊伍,目標登上爭奪世界冠軍的舞臺。
Recently, BQC has used the start of the BenQ 5Eplay National Gaming Tour 2012 to publicize the official formation of BenQ’s professional gaming team, TFE. TFE will enter major gaming competitions nationwide, matching wits and skills with the country’s best gamers, stirring up renewed interest in competitive gaming.
TFE was formed with the financial backing of BenQ, and is drawing on the talents of China’s foremost CS gamer and former world champion Alex Bian as head coach. After auditions throughout China during the second half of 2011 and championship matches in Suzhou to determine who made the team, TFE has finally come together. The team is the result of a determined effort to find the gamers with great potential, and then give them the benefit of professional, efficient, and comprehensive training to turn them into tomorrow’s star CS team. The ultimate goal is put TFE on the stage as world champions.
愛很簡單 從投開始——2011-2012投影機江西、廣州、遼寧、陝西行業說明會成功召開(Business briefings on projectors for 2011-2012 successfully convened in Jiangxi, Guangzhou, Liaoning, and Shanxi)
BQC recently convened business briefings in China’s Jiangxi, Guangzhou, Liaoning, and Shanxi. Besides reporting on industry trends and product strategies, detailed presentations on BenQ’s new products and channel strategies were provided to the distributors in attendance. Also at the venue were both static displays and live demoes of BenQ’s newly launched projector models that include the latest technologies. Interactive whiteboards were available to give attendees a chance to experience the capabilities and powerful application technologies of BenQ’s projectors first-hand.
BenQ三八婦女節溫情回顧BenQ celebrates a heartwarming Women's Day
BenQ在2012 CeBIT電腦展成為全球首家獲IEM電競聯賽指定使用品牌At CeBIT 2012, BenQ becomes world’s first vendor to be designated the official monitor brand for the IEM gaming tournament
2012歐洲電競大賽(ESL Intel Extreme Masters )在3月6日至10日,於2012年CeBIT中展開總決賽。自2006年IEM開賽起,BenQ是有史以來首家IEM聯賽指定使用的顯示設備品牌。
Peter表示,「2010是BenQ正式跨足電競液晶顯示器市場的起點。抱持著Gaming Is In The Details 的理念,期許自己是全世界第一個認真聆聽電競選手需求、對細節錙銖必較的品牌。未來也會繼續引領全球專業電競液晶顯示器市場潮流,享受快樂科技。」
Peter表示,「2010是BenQ正式跨足電競液晶顯示器市場的起點。抱持著Gaming Is In The Details 的理念,期許自己是全世界第一個認真聆聽電競選手需求、對細節錙銖必較的品牌。未來也會繼續引領全球專業電競液晶顯示器市場潮流,享受快樂科技。」
Europe’s ESL Intel Extreme Masters gaming tournament for 2012 took place from 6 to 10 March, with the championship match featured during the CeBIT 2012 exhibition. IEM was first organized in 2006, and BenQ became the first vendor ever to be designated the official display equipment brand for the tournament.
Peter remarked, “2010 marked the beginning of BenQ’s formal entry into the competitive gaming monitor market. With our credo that ‘gaming is in the details’ we aspire to be the world’s first brand vendor to take into account the needs of professional gamers and get even the smallest details right. Going forward, BenQ will continue to lead the way by being a trendsetter in the global market for professional gaming-oriented LCD monitors, and give users a sense of delight in their digital lifestyles.”
CeBIT organizers selected 15 brand vendors that exemplified the greatest product innovation from among than 4000 participating vendors. On 4 March, the organizers exhibited the most distinctive of the innovative new products at CeBIT for assembled guests and the media. BenQ was extremely honored to be one of the 15 vendors invited to be among these select few to show off products at this special event. On that day, BenQ displayed its full lineup of professional gaming monitors, inviting legendary world champion gamers HeatoN and SpawN to demonstrate the capabilities of BenQ’s newest professional monitors through a one-of-a-kind gaming battle.
BenQ在厄瓜多爾舉辦小型road show(BenQ organized a mini-roadshow in Ambesto, Ecuador with XPC)
BenQ organized a mini-roadshow in Ambesto, Ecuador with XPC, a wholesaler. During this successful roadshow, our sales representative in Ecuador offered a conference about our products and explained the specifications helped with a stand.
The products discussed during the conference were Projectors, Monitors and Cameras, specifically in the LM100, GH600 and GH700.
The customers were informed that they can count on us in the tender process and consultancy for the public and private sector, among others.
BenQ organized a mini-roadshow in Ambesto, Ecuador with XPC, a wholesaler. During this successful roadshow, our sales representative in Ecuador offered a conference about our products and explained the specifications helped with a stand.
The products discussed during the conference were Projectors, Monitors and Cameras, specifically in the LM100, GH600 and GH700.
The customers were informed that they can count on us in the tender process and consultancy for the public and private sector, among others.
BenQ 數位相機 GH700,連獲專業雜誌編輯肯定!(BenQ’s GH700 digital camera captures string of awards from the editors of photography magazines)
BenQ數位相機GH700自去年12月上市以來,致力於打造「國產第一類單眼」的形象,且積極爭取各種媒體體驗與產品測試報導的機會,讓原先對BenQ高階數位相機陌生的3C、攝影專業媒體,在實際體驗產品性能之後,也對GH700的出色表現感到驚艷,並給予大篇幅的報導露出,成功的延續了BenQ GH700在媒體露出的聲量與能見度。
2012年3月份包含3C專業媒體《PC HOME》評論「入門類單眼小巨砲,兼具廣角及高倍變焦」、《PC DIY》編輯予以深度產品報導台灣出發的品牌實力,與專業攝影媒體《攝影家手札》網站編輯第一手實測,在在肯定GH700的與眾不同。
Since it was introduced last December, BenQ’s GH700 digital camera has been promoted as “the first domestically produced single-lens reflex camera”. Moreover, BenQ has aggressively sought opportunities to arrange for media hands-on reviews and product tests with the GH700. As a result of first-hand experience with the camera’s capabilities, the professional 3C and photography media, once unfamiliar with BenQ’s high-end cameras, has been stunned by the GH700’s outstanding performance and given it extensive coverage. The GH700’s impact and visibility in the media is being successfully sustained.
Coverage in March 2012 included a review by 3C specialist media outlet PC Home in which it called the GH700 “a powerhouse entry-level DSLR camera with a wide-angle lens and high zoom”, an in-depth product report focusing on Taiwan’s emerging brand prowess by PC DIY’s editors, and a product review on the Photosharp photography-themed website. All attested to the GH700 standing out in the crowded camera market.
BenQ宣傳活動遍布歐洲(BenQ's publicity covers Europe)
關於BenQ參加ISE展的後續報導,眾多知名媒體均有報導本次活動,包括英國的RavePubs.com、荷蘭ISE Show News、俄羅斯Projectorman、瑞典Teknikfreak、德國Hartware.net等。
官方雜誌ISE the Daily報導了BenQ的幾個產品故事,並且談到最新的雷射投影機,也專訪Adams Lee暢談數位趨勢、短焦投影機、互動式平板和SmartEco技術等。Adams和Oliver Barz也接受Computer Reseller News (CRN)專訪,分享BenQ的產品及未來走向。
After BenQ officially released its participation in ISE 2012 by publishing the press release on BenQ.eu well-known media from different European countries immediately covered it in their magazines and websites.
These are just few of them:
UK –RavePubs.com; Netherlands –ISE Show News; Russia - Projectorman; Sweden – Teknikfreak; Germany –Hartware.net.
The official ISE newspaper "ISE the Daily" published several stories about BenQ products in each issue, showing pictures and covering news about BenQ BlueCore Light Engine and LW61ST and Interactive Flat Panels. Furthermore several interviews were done with Adams Lee, President of BenQ Europe, and were included in the Tuesday and Thursday issues. Adams talked about the hottest trends in digital signage, short throw projectors, interactive flat panels and SmartEco technology.
Another PR highlight from ISE 2012 is the interview with Adam Lee and Oliver Barz, Managing Director BenQ D.A.CH. which they gave to Computer Reseller News (CRN). Adams and Oliver presented BenQ’s new laser projector and BlueCore Light Engine, they also talked about interactive flat panels and future plans.
官方雜誌ISE the Daily報導了BenQ的幾個產品故事,並且談到最新的雷射投影機,也專訪Adams Lee暢談數位趨勢、短焦投影機、互動式平板和SmartEco技術等。Adams和Oliver Barz也接受Computer Reseller News (CRN)專訪,分享BenQ的產品及未來走向。
After BenQ officially released its participation in ISE 2012 by publishing the press release on BenQ.eu well-known media from different European countries immediately covered it in their magazines and websites.
These are just few of them:
UK –RavePubs.com; Netherlands –ISE Show News; Russia - Projectorman; Sweden – Teknikfreak; Germany –Hartware.net.
The official ISE newspaper "ISE the Daily" published several stories about BenQ products in each issue, showing pictures and covering news about BenQ BlueCore Light Engine and LW61ST and Interactive Flat Panels. Furthermore several interviews were done with Adams Lee, President of BenQ Europe, and were included in the Tuesday and Thursday issues. Adams talked about the hottest trends in digital signage, short throw projectors, interactive flat panels and SmartEco technology.
Another PR highlight from ISE 2012 is the interview with Adam Lee and Oliver Barz, Managing Director BenQ D.A.CH. which they gave to Computer Reseller News (CRN). Adams and Oliver presented BenQ’s new laser projector and BlueCore Light Engine, they also talked about interactive flat panels and future plans.
BenQ在歐洲的關注度連年增加中(Pan-European interest in BenQ grows year after year)
Year after year BenQ booth at ISE attracts more and more visitors from different counties around the world. Even though this year it was mainly crowded by Dutch, English and German visitors, more and more visitors from other countries came to see BenQ’s new exposition. The statistics based on the number of scanned badges shows good results:
BenQ參加2012 ISE展,找尋新的目標與商機(BenQ at ISE 2012 - purposes, goals and business opportunities)
當天展出的BenQ LW61ST投影機吸引許多媒體及競爭對手前來觀看,也贏得了今年的「CeBIT PREVIEW」大獎。來自慕尼黑和漢堡的遊客選出BenQ LW61ST為三大獎得主之一,也為BenQ贏得了科技、金融、環保相關媒體的關注。同時,我們也顯示了SmartEco技術對於環保節能的堅持,因為SmartEco的技術,現在消費者可以享受到花費與品質兼顧的選擇。互動顯示器也是我們在展覽中的亮點,它能讓溝通更快速,廣泛在教育和商業上被應用。2012年ISE展的觀眾都確信,BenQ以市場領導者的地位及創新精神,在DLP第一品牌的寶座上實至名歸!
January 31 – February 2, 2012 BenQ participated at ISE 2012 which took place in RAI, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Unveiling its new exposition "Eco, Smart – State of the Art: Experience Display innovations by BenQ", BenQ used this opportunity to expand channel business, enhance relationships with existing partners and met potential customers. BenQ's new campaign was delivered by demonstrating leading projector technologies and winning solutions, designed with the needs of AV and education professionals in mind.
Presenting its new exposition BenQ showcased foremost technologies, solutions for eco-projection in business and education, home cinema, interactive flat panels and LCD monitors for every life style.
A New Light to the World: BenQ BlueCore Light Engine
BenQ is proud to be the first to introduce first laser projector with high brightness at ISE 2012 to deliver superb energy efficiency, projection performance and instant readiness, saving money and helping the environment at the same time.
The BenQ’s new LW61ST attracted lots of visitors including media and competitors and also earned CeBIT PREVIEW Award in January this year. Journalists attending the CeBIT PREVIEW events in Munich and Hamburg were requested to vote for their top 3 product highlights. The BenQ laser projector was one of the three winners of this year’s CeBIT PREVIEW award. The PREVIEW award really can be held in high esteem as the journalists represent not only one magazine but together represent such a vast range of media from financial dailies and economic magazines to consumer press.
The award is an excellent, sustainable advertising tool as it can be used in the run-up to the CeBIT, during the fair and beyond.
Following successful Pan-European events BenQ showcased SmartEco technology at ISE 2012. Side-by-side setup with two equal projectors MW851UST gave the valuable comparison of the power consumption with SmartEco on and off. Visitors were convinced: now BenQ projectors display even brighter images for even longer while using up to 50% less energy. Thanks to BenQ SmartEco™ technology finally you don‘t need to compromise between getting full brightness and a better lamp life, while saving energy and money.
Professional Cinematic Projection for Home Entertainment System
Designed to give a top-of-the-line enjoyment, the BenQ W7000 offers professional-grade visual performances that you crave for your home entertainment system, including 3D Full HD, 2000 ANSI lumen high brightness, 50000:1 high contrast ratio, BrilliantColor™, VIDI™, Rec.709 colour gamut and more! No doubts the 3D Home Cinema Room attracted a lot of visitors during all show days.
Get Interactive with BenQ Interactive Flat Panels
Interactive displays have become one of the most powerful office and teaching tools today, replacing traditional meeting, trainings and classroom instructions with a new style of business communication and learning. The Optical Dual Touch Technology of BenQ Interactive Panels works its magic turning the displayed image into a multi-touch screen which means two persons at the same time can come up to the board for a quick contest and trial. It also is built with an ambient light sensor to detect the amount of ambient lightning in its surrounding and adjust the display setting accordingly without user intervention.
BenQ showcased two IFP models in different scenarios: T650 as the brightest solution for education and TL550 as an interactive solution for corporate.
BenQ LCD Monitors: Professional Touch for Every Life Style
Being a global leader in LED monitor visual display, BenQ offers unrivalled breadth and depth of professional solutions for personal and business use. BenQ LCD monitors were presented in the three professional series: for corporate and business use with BL-series 19”, 22” and 24”, for home entertainment experience with BenQ’s new EW-series with 24” and 27”; and for professional gaming experience with BenQ’s flagship monitors: XL-series for unlimited FPS gaming and RL-series for professional RTS.
Continuing the success of previous years and making new leads in different segments BenQ invited a number of valued partners to meet up and introduce new products during ISE 2012.
For each particular product presented guests could get sufficient information. Guests shared their positive feelings about BenQ direction and presented new innovative solutions. They also highly evaluated a very creative booth design and promising product features.
Leaving the booth visitors were convinced: BenQ is a market leader, innovative company and for sure earned to be the no.1 brand in DLP projection.
BenQ第一台輕薄長焦機GH200,內建獨家MagiQ魔幻濾鏡,全新上市!BenQ’s first slim high-zoom camera, the GH200, debuts with exclusive MagiQ filter
BenQ’s newly launched slim high-zoom travel camera, the GH200, is boosting the appeal of BenQ’s high-zoom GH camera series. The GH200 offers 12.5x optical zoom and wide-angle 24mm aperture lens, making it easy to capture photos of both far-off subjects or expansive scenes. In addition, the GH200 includes BenQ’s exclusive MagiQ photographic filter, which can increase image contrast and color saturation, giving photos a vivid sense of realism. Just a click of the shutter button, and you can reliably capture any scene or event in a splendid photographic record.
BenQ’s newly launched slim high-zoom travel camera, the GH200, is boosting the appeal of BenQ’s high-zoom GH camera series. The GH200 offers 12.5x optical zoom and wide-angle 24mm aperture lens, making it easy to capture photos of both far-off subjects or expansive scenes. In addition, the GH200 includes BenQ’s exclusive MagiQ photographic filter, which can increase image contrast and color saturation, giving photos a vivid sense of realism. Just a click of the shutter button, and you can reliably capture any scene or event in a splendid photographic record.
BenQ 3D聯網黑湛屏LED液晶X系列,55型、46型全新登場!(New BenQ 3D LED-backlit VA-LCD X series models debut)
BenQ has just introduced the X series LED-backlit VA-LCD monitors. These monitors integrate a built-in cloud media platform, which provides simple access to thoughtfully organized online multimedia entertainment. Available content includes nearly 1,000 global TV channels, thousands of radio stations, and nearly one million online video titles. Just a few button presses is needed, with no need for laborious text-based searches—giving you an easy route to virtually unlimited entertainment options. Moreover, the connectivity feature also provides nearly one hundred types of games for downloading, providing another source of fun for the whole family.
BenQ短焦投影專家現身中正紀念堂「Watch Me Move百年動畫展」與「台北電信展」(BenQ, the short-throw projector expert, makes an appearance at two Taipei exhibitions)
BenQ 投影機於各區域市場成績斐然,近兩年不但以領先業界率先推出0.3~0.9全線短焦投影機,成為短焦品類最齊全的品牌。以此優異的定位,最近頻獲如「Watch Me Move百年動畫展」與「台北電信展」等各大展覽指定使用, BenQ 台灣區也積極與多方位的異業結合,透過BenQ短焦、高亮度投影機的超大畫面及栩栩如生的色彩表現,展現BenQ投影機在台灣市場耕耘的決心,並為更多民眾帶來享受快樂科技的視覺饗宴。

BenQ projectors have achieved stellar results in various regional markets, and in the last two years BenQ has led the industry in debuting a full lineup of 0.3 to 0.9 throw ratio projectors, offering the most complete range of short throw models among all brands. With this preeminent status, it has been designated as the official projector for major exhibitions such as Watch Me Move: The Animation Show and the Taipei Telecom Applications Show. BenQ Taiwan is actively seeking multi-faceted cross-industry collaborations, highlighting the super-sized brilliantly colored video of BenQ short-throw high-luminance projectors as we convey our commitment to developing the Taiwanese market, and bring a superior viewing experience to an even broader segment of the public.