BenQ China近日推出了2款無線滑鼠——可換殼的彩殼鼠ME650和獨特色彩質感的魔幻鼠ME318,備受潮流時尚達人的喜愛。BenQ彩殼鼠ME650選用絢麗的色彩裝扮,並隨機附贈2個彩殼,可根據不同心情隨時更換喜歡的色彩,共有蜜桃紅、靜謐藍、檸檬黃3種色彩。只要輕輕按下滑鼠尾部的按鈕,即可將上蓋彈起更換。好心情,輕鬆換出來。
BenQ China recently introduced two wireless mouse models—the ME650 with its swappable colored shells, and the ME318 with its distinctive coloring—which have proven popular among trend-conscious users. The ME650 comes dressed up in a brilliantly colored shell, and comes with two additional shells, letting users swap shells according to mood and personal preference. Available colors include peachy red, tranquil blue, and lemon yellow. A light press of the button on the tail end of the mouse releases the shell for quick swapping.