
BenQ China 2012明基應屆新人實習訓開訓 (BenQ China’s 2012 training program for new employees begins)

7月16-18日, 2012明基應屆新人實習訓開訓,  20位明基新鮮人從此和校園生活say byebye, 讓懷揣的夢想在BenQ發芽,讓洋溢的熱情在BenQ飛揚!  New BenQer的職業生涯,將從這裡揚帆遠航!

From 16 to 18 July, 20 new BenQers bid farewell to their student days and began pursuing new dreams at BenQ, showing their passion. These new BenQers’ careers are off to a great start!