BenQ Thailand加入Synnex IT舉辦的研討會和經銷夥伴溝通,向經銷商介紹我們的最新科技。並也在印度新德里參加教育展,得到許多正向回饋。
[Synnex IT seminars in 4 cities in Thailand]
In order to gain more business opportunities, BenQ Thailand joined our distributor, Synnex (a global IT supply chain services company) IT seminars targeting at VAR/SI partners as well as retail dealers in 4 cities from July 4th to August 23rd. At the seminar, attendants learned the new technologies and trends offered by several leading brands. BenQ also introduced the next generation BlueCore laser projector, LW61ST, which drew much attetion. Large size monitor and MS513P SmartEco projector were also demonstrated. Through these IT seminars, not only BenQ strengthened relationship with Synnex and the participants, the dealers also knew more about our products, which for sure will help enhance the business in the near future.
[HCL Learning national sales conference in Delhi, India]
BenQ India succeeds in cultivating education market. On July 23rd & 24th, BenQ India joined a big education conference hosted by HCL learning, one of important Education SI in India. It was a 3-day conference in Delhi for entire sales and service team of HCL Learning. In the conference, there were around 150+ attendants and BenQ India got one hour slot to present our technologies and products.
At the event, BenQ India showcased SmartEco technology with MX815PST and Laser Projection technology with LW61ST. BenQ India also spent lots effort on product live demo and did receive lots of positive feedbacks. Moreover, the attendants, our right targets were highly interested in our products and BenQ brand recall definitely has been high.