
BenQ在比利時參加電競活動 (BenQ XL2420T gaming competitions by 4gamers.be in Belgium)


1) Contest on 4Gamers.be

Prize: BenQ XL2420T LED Gaming Monitor
link: http://www.4gamers.be/wedstrijden/325/Win-BenQ-XL2420T-LED-Gaming-Monitor
Duration: 3 weeks (15/05 – 04/06)
Number of participants: 1.628
Number of comments: 69
Reach on 4Gamers.be: 84.517 unique visitors

2) Contest on Facebook Fanpage 4Gamers.be in cooperation with GameGear.be

Prize: BenQ XL2720T Gaming Monitor
links: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151410891646573&set=pb.44087661572.-2207520000.1375533921.&type=3&src=https%3A%2F%2Ffbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net%2Fhphotos-ak-frc1%2F600469_10151410891646573_767798093_n.png&size=670%2C516
Duration: 3 weeks (04/06 – 26/06)
Number of participants: 522
Number of total shares: 574 (4Gamers and GameGear fanpages combined)